About Us



Along with the company name, which means "Made in Korea Power,"
MKP's logo represents our identity as the first and only provider of the "Mass Flow Total Solution" in Korea.

The logo features a wordmark that expresses our company name in a simple and strong linear style,
symbolizing MKP’s technological prowess in ultra-precise mass flow measurement and control.

Additionally, the orange color of the letter K represents Korea and reflects our vision and ambition to emerge as a global leader.

As conveyed by our name and logo, MKP strives to become the No. 1 global company, leading the world and representing Korea.

CI Type

CI Color

  • CMYK : 92 / 42 / 0 / 0
  • RGB : 0 / 125 / 195
  • WEB : #007DC3
  • CMYK : 0 / 58 / 100 / 0
  • RGB : 246 / 133 / 31
  • WEB : #F6851F